About the HAWT (Happy Asian Woman Traveller)

Sunday, September 13, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Before 'hawt' became the internet slang of 'hot' for teenagers incapable of spelling, it was the acronym for "Having A Wonderful Time". And this blog is exactly that... the stories of yours truly, a Happy Asian Woman Traveller (that's also 'HAWT'! :-P) having a wonderful time traveling around, doing V hand signs in selfie pics as evidence of my Asian-ness.

I'm a Malaysian gal who has a full time job that allows me to travel a lot, and enjoy sights that are sometimes well off the beaten path and sometimes right where all the action is. I also like photography, so I've have accumulated a pretty massive collection of cool travel photos over the years and felt that it's really wasted if not shared with the world. So my posts here will not only be from current trips, but also for previous trips which I will back date to the time of the trip, so it makes a sensible chronology. That means my 'latest' posts will not always show at the top of my blog (later date posts show first), but if you want updates on my latest ramblings on a old or new trip, you can follow me on Facebook or Twitter!

Please note I'll mostly avoid giving info on prices of accommodation, tourist spots, etc especially on my older posts coz' the price will always change from time to time and you should check the website of the relevant place or contact them directly for quotes rather than rely on info from a blog like mine which could easily be outdated. Of course, where possible I will give travel tips based on my experience.

Thanks for visiting and hope all you happy travellers have a wonderful time too!

P.S.: This page as well as my Facebook and Twitter page are still under construction, sooo don't mind me if the names are very consistent at the moment and I need time to work on it. Like I said, I have a day job!

P.S.S: Apologies to anyone who came here hoping to find some pics related to the less family friendly version of 'hawt'. If you think I'm 'hawt' in that sense, or would like to rant coz' you felt conned at what you may deem as a misuse of the term, feel free to drop me a message for the purpose of my own amusement. :-)